Emotional IQ and Entrepreneurship
Have you heard of emotional IQ? It’s fairly popular. Emotional Intelligence Quota or E-IQ extends beyond the personality and the cerebral IQ. It acts in concert with those two but many would say it rules the roost. As studies have proven, for those who are considered top performers versus others, E-IQ is the dominant factor. E-IQ is something that is within our personality that relates to competence and navigating social complexities, personal decisions, mental attitude and managing personal behavior.
It could be the secret sauce of how to generate sustainable success as an entrepreneur.
Most entrepreneurs will tell you their success factor had much to do with belief in themselves and confidence in their idea. When faced with adversity, failure or that waiting period between the proposal delivery and the “Yes!” from a prospective client, emotional IQ defines those who will hold steady and those who have an outburst.
At first, entrepreneurs are always optimistic. They exhibit the guts to try something new or convinced their ideas will change the world for the better. This is the entrepreneurial spirit and watch out, because it is contagious. However, it does come with a price and much of that price relates directly to risk, stability, self-motivation, stress and financial pressures. However, emotional IQ relates to psychological challenges.
As you make these decisions to open your own business and grow your own business, remember the challenges facing you are actually you. Emotional IQ will be essential in the following areas (as outlined by John Maxwell, author of Developing the Leader Within You).
As an entrepreneur, emotional IQ will be essential in managing the psychological challenges related to:
It could be the secret sauce of how to generate sustainable success as an entrepreneur.
Most entrepreneurs will tell you their success factor had much to do with belief in themselves and confidence in their idea. When faced with adversity, failure or that waiting period between the proposal delivery and the “Yes!” from a prospective client, emotional IQ defines those who will hold steady and those who have an outburst.
At first, entrepreneurs are always optimistic. They exhibit the guts to try something new or convinced their ideas will change the world for the better. This is the entrepreneurial spirit and watch out, because it is contagious. However, it does come with a price and much of that price relates directly to risk, stability, self-motivation, stress and financial pressures. However, emotional IQ relates to psychological challenges.
As you make these decisions to open your own business and grow your own business, remember the challenges facing you are actually you. Emotional IQ will be essential in the following areas (as outlined by John Maxwell, author of Developing the Leader Within You).
As an entrepreneur, emotional IQ will be essential in managing the psychological challenges related to:
- Defining yourself
- Operating under little guidance
- Intense feelings all at once
- Stress management
- Financial strain