They Will Handle the Rest
“They will handle the rest.” Five simple words that somehow exhibit a burden of details offloaded, and the weight is lifted. The 3 steps return Amazon created to handle the rest:
- Select your return method from the online return center.
- Take your returnable items to your local UPS store and show the return code provided by Amazon, on your mobile.
- They will handle the rest!
What does this have to do with cultivating strong relationships and engaging key stakeholders cross-functionally? My time was valued. The details were managed. The refund was automatic. The personal interaction was perfect: on the phone, on the chat and in person. They handled the rest!
Geico Insurance handled the rest:
At 5:15pm in rush hour traffic, a car accident ensued. There were no severe damages to report except two banged-up cars and stopped traffic on the highway. The Geico Representative was contacted within 15 minutes of the accident from the driver’s cell phone. The other driver called the police. Upon the arrival of the police, the one driver complained of a headache to the police. The police called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived very fast. On site, it took a CT Scan of the driver’s head. Sent the scan to the hospital neurologist via cloud technology. Both, the driver, and the CT Scan did not exhibit any visible signs of concussion and the neurologist cleared the driver to go home.
The other driver on the phone with the insurance agent asked the Geico Rep, “What do I do?” The Geico Rep completed the claim, the autobody appointment was scheduled for 8am the next day, a rental car (of the same caliber), would be waiting at that time, at the auto body. Four days later, the repairs were completed, the driver was notified. The driver picked up the fixed up car and the rental car was dropped off.
What does this have to do with cultivating strong relationships and engaging key stakeholders cross-functionally? The Geico customer's time was valued. The details were managed. Anxiety of unknowns quelled. Helped was immediate. It was managed, seamlessly. The personal interaction was perfect for all stakeholders, driver 1 and driver 2. They handled the rest!